How does TCEB Manage change in a constantly changing environment?
TCEB recognises the importance of driving and developing the MICE sector, as well as to future-proof in order to sustain future global competitiveness through education, professional skills, as well as human development. As we approach economic unification under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), it is especially important for Thailand’s MICE sector to address these issues by enhancing the calibre of its MICE professionals and development.
This process begins by exposing university students to the industry as part of their academic studies, and increasing their knowledge and understanding of this important sector. Such exposure also helps expand the pool of qualified, capable graduates to enter the MICE workforce, raising professional standards throughout the industry.
To this end, TCEB, the Thailand Incentive and Convention Association (TICA) and the Thai Exhibition Association (TEA) have joined hands to initiate a new academic curriculum in international conference and exhibition management to be taught at universities and colleges nationwide.
The MICE Curriculum Development programme is developed as a way to establish Thailand as an ASEAN MICE education hub offering new internationally-accredited courses and curricula focusing on the event management industry.
In addition, the MICE Academic Exchange Programme which features the knowledge exchange between educational institutes in Thailand and foreign countries. The programme will include various activities, such as conference, college visit, knowledge exchange, network establishment and educational tours in target countries, including Germany, Japan, USA, Australia, Switzerland, China and England.
Are there any strategic collaboration for ASEAN’s MICE industry?
TCEB commits to improving and strengthening the overall MICE industries in ASEAN, aiming at leveraging cooperation, promotion and networking opportunities among regional public and private sectors. Moreover, we are working with our strategic counterparts both within and outside of Thailand to strengthen the industry vibrancy within the region. Noteworthy collaborative initiatives also include:
ASEAN MICE Collaboration
TCEB initiated the ASEAN MICE Collaboration project to showcase Thailand’s readiness to enter into the ASEAN Economic Community. This project places great emphasis on expanding regional collaboration and building stronger regional networks while developing and strengthening the MICE industry for both Thailand and other ASEAN member countries.
Currently, TCEB’s strategic counterparts for the ASEAN MICE Collaboration also include;
•Thailand: The Department of International Trade Promotion (DITP);
•Laos: Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LNCCI);
•Vietnam: Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and VIETRADE;
•Indonesia: Directorate General for National Export Development (DGNED);
•The Philippines: Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) and Chamber of Commerce of the Philippine Islands (CCPI)
•Myanmar: Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UMFCCI)
ASEAN We Stand Symposium
TCEB recently made a step closer towards the AEC integration, launching the ASEAN We Stand as the symposium for the sharing of experience and networking to empower regional MICE industry.
MICEreview thanks Mr Nopparat and TCEB for this 2-part interview.
Interview with TCEB President (Part 2)
An Interview with
Mr Nopparat Maythaveekulchai
(photo: left)
Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
Part 2
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